Saturday, 4 December 2010

Bath Bomb benefit gig announcement

That's right – it's the season of suicide and drink-driving, so why not drown out the jingle bells hype with The Bath Bomb's Solstice Knees Up!

“Chocks Away!”


Spanner – militant ska punk from Brizzle (

Belladonna – bristling, raw-throat, rocking post-punk (

Rapscallion Sound – punchy juicy reggae 12-piece from Bath, with beats (

and your host, without compere:

Madame Hatter – dirty French lessons, word-play and wonder (

At 'The Love Lounge' (the back room of The Bell public house), Walcot Street, Bath, Saturday the 11th December, 7.30pm, £3.00 entry and a free gift*. All proceeds go towards funding Bath's only independent radical monthly freesheet – check out

For more info, e-mail bathbombpress[at]

*We can't guarantee that the free gift won't be a copy of the above-mentioned freesheet

Monday, 1 November 2010

Together, we can...


* Save our services!
* Fight for every job!
* Hands off our retirement!
People and communities before profit and privatistion!

'Bankers, Politicians, Fatcats - We Won't Pay For Their Crisis!'

Protest! @ -

B&NES (Tory) cabinet meeting to plan the cuts - Wednesday 3rd Nov from 4pm, outside the Guildhall, Bath

B&NES full council meeting to vote on the cuts - Tuesday 16th Nov from 5.30pm, outside the Guildhall, Bath


It's time to fight back against the cuts!

The Con-Dem spending review hs now been released, and it is as bad as everyone expected. By rsing our retirement age, freezing our wages, worsening our pensions and destroying our much needed public and community services, this government has introduced a spending review that hits the poorest and most vulnerable in society hardest, and leaves the rich and the bankers unscathed.

While we suffer, the Sunday Times rich list reported that the richest 1,000 UK citizens have seen their wealth increase by £77 billion over the past year. This increase alone would be enough to pay for the Tory budget measures AND leave those 1,000 individuals £38 million each better off than last year! Tax increases for businesses and the super rich and the shutting down of tax loopholes, as well as getting troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and scrapping Trident could also heal the deficit, but the budget has more to do with the old Tory policies of privatisation, public sector cuts and looking out for their rich mates, than it does about helping average people (the current cabinet has 18 millionaires and 53% went to private school).

What can we do to stop these cuts?

Up and down the country, a massive campaign has been started to defend our services and fight back against the cuts. We can win, but we need as many people as possible to stand up against the Tory cuts and defend their jobs and communities.

In Bath, the Bath Anti Cuts Alliance has already held several large and effective meetings and protests. two important upcoming protests are listed above.

To get involved in the campaign, or to let us know about cuts in your workplace or community, email us at bathagainstcuts[at]

Friday, 15 October 2010

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

meeting date for October changed

As various folks will be off to Swindon to support their anti-cuts protest on Thursday the 7th of this month, the Bath Activist Network meeting for October will be shunted back a week, to take place Thursday the 15th, from half 7pm, downstairs at the Hobgoblin on St James Parade. The following months will be a return to our normal programming.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Up-coming events. Fight the cuts!

Two really big events coming up to start the fightback against the Tory cuts. If you only do two events this year, make it these!

Click posters for larger versions. Feel free to print and distribute (not for flyposting).

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Local activists Target barclays

Just after getting out of court (over a possesion order for their squat, and a charge of obstructing a bailiff), local people met with other BAN activists - including a couple of new faces (shock, horror!) and staged a small protest outside Bath Barclays. The demo was well recieved by passers by, and recieved a little of the direct action treatment when two protestors 'found' a ladder and occupied the roof to stage a banner drop. After negotiating with police, the roof occupiers stayed in place for two hours before avoiding arrest and coming down.

All in all a good day.

(C) BAN - 'Helping Bristol put the South West on the Radical map since 2006'

Black Cat squat resistance - demo update


The Black Cat Social Centre on Lower Bristol Road in Bath is due for eviction this
Friday 26th March. This eviction will be resisted. In addition from
9.48am there will be a street demo with free acoustic music provided by
the fabulous Madame Hatter with special guests The Bailiffs (due onstage
at 10am). If you have used, enjoyed or value the Black Cat and what it represents, please get yourself down either to take part in the peaceful demo/gig (no chance of getting arrested, or inside for active resistance (strong probability of arrest!) Blank text to 07529579130 to receive updates.

Friday, 19 March 2010


For five months the Black Cat Community Centre has been providing a free, inclusive space for community events. It has hosted open mic nights, poetry sessions, yoga and dance classes, debt advice centres, meetings and many more events based upon demand and all free of charge – all have been keenly taken up by the people of Bath. This project is run by full-time volunteers using abandoned buildings otherwise going to waste. The council, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that this kind of blatant altruism and community solidarity must come to an end before the people start expecting the council to provide a decent service, and as such are sending bailiffs in to evict us so that the Riverside Studios may once again stand empty gathering dust.


The first eviction attempt is expected this Friday 26nd March at 10:00am. We WILL be resisting this eviction attempt. This is OUR community and we should not be afraid to stand as the people against power-hungry politicians, fatcats, cops and bailiffs. This is a call to the people of Bath to stand tall with the Black Cat Collective. To receive updates and the all-important eviction alert please send a blank text to 07529 579 130.


A large crowd outside the building demanding that the centre be allowed to remain sends a very strong message to the council. There are also many vital non-arrestable street roles including:

Grabbing supplies
Arrestee Support
Legal Observer
Media Liaison
Making lots of noise
Bringing all your mates

If you wish to get involved in any way, please come knock on our red front door! Unit 3A, former Riverside Business Park, Lower Bristol Road, Bath, BA2 3DW.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

TARGET BARCLAYS - Bath demo this wednesday



Barclays Bank are the UK's largest investor in the arms trade, with
holdings of over £7.3bn. In addition to this they also provide market
maker services to weapons manufacturers - this means purchasing shares
from a weapons manufacturer and holding them until such a time as a
buyer becomes available. Barclays props up arms dealers, in return
making a profit from every share sold in UK, and every bomb dropped in
Palestine, Iraq and wherever is profitable to invade next.

In November 2009 Barclays were targeted nationwide by individuals
concerned by capitalisation of war for profit. Yet the bank which relied
heavily upon publicly-funded liquidity schemes to survive the credit
crunch has refused to listen to public opinion. As a result Wednesday
17th March will see Barclays once again targeted nationwide.

Bankers and institutional investors are the glue that finances the state
terror wreaked by the arms trade. Weapons manufacturers do not operate
in a vacuum but are propped up by the networks of corporations and
investors which constitute the global capitalist system which puts
profit before peace, greed before people.


For more information call 07796 864 649

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Open Mic at the Black cat - Friday 12th March

On the evening of Friday the 12th, The Black Cat centre will be holding its first ever open mic night, compered by everyones favourite French transvestite Madame Hatter. For more info, drop us an email at

Here's the invite from the Madame herself -

Friday 12th of March, 7.06 PM

Heya oh teaheads and banditos!

Should you be prudish puddings, freak frogs, vegan vultures, breakfast brutes and funky fruits, bang poets or junk poets or even just plain poets, blue cabbages and pink trumpets, merry-go-round travellers or magic roundabout surfers and hulla-hoop singers, studious students and naughty rodents, squatterpillars or passers-by, funny flapping flowers or blooming butterflies, party people or bursting bubbles, the usual crows and so many more if you're hungry for the encore... You are all invited to the first edition of MADAME HATTER'S SCABROUS CABARET for a night of sweet delirium open to all sorts of performers, artists, poets, musicians and story-tellers...

The Black Cat has currently hold of a massive gig space with a bar, a sound system, a grand piano and even a toilet for you to play with! Roof is high and acoustics much refined, come rock and trash the space and time with paint and taste, we wouldn't mind!

We can be found opposite Pickfords on Lower Bristol Road, The Black Cat is behind a little red door and you are all welcome! Bring a guitar, bring a poem, or just bring yourself for a friendly evening of the arts ^.^

She's slim and slimy and could easily break into your pipery,
Beware of Madame Hatter coz' of decadence she's the plumber... C]:o)

Friday, 26 February 2010

Bath needs a community social centre! - Sign the online petition!

There has been much public anger over council plans to evict the Black Cat centre from its current home. To object to the council plans, and to let them know that Bath needs a permenant community run social centre, please follow the link and sign the online petition @

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Black Cat - New adress

Hi All

Just to let you know that Baths premiere occupied community social centre, the Black Cat Centre is now happily settled in to its new home, and the address is

Unit 3A
Riverside Business Park
Lower Bristol Road

The best way to spot the place is looking for a red door opposite Pickfords on Lower Bristol Road, although we'll have a Black Cat sign up soon.

Check out the calendar at to see what's going on, or drop us an email at to put on your own event.

The place is huge, and has massive potential for any number of events/gigs/workshops/meetings etc - so pop down to help out, or just see what's on. For the next week or so, it's probably best to email before coming down as we are in the process of fixing the doorbell!!!!

See y'all soon

Black Cat Crew x

Monday, 15 February 2010

Black Cat moves AGAIN!!!!

UPDATE - After a brief stay at 63 West Avenue, the Black Cat has moved on to a bigger and better building. The location will be secret for the next week or so, but to get involved in helping prepare the space, drop us an email at and keep checking out the Black Cat blogspot ( for more info.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Black Cat Centre has a new home!

After a productive month at the Methodist vicarage, the Black cat has moved on to pastures new. We are at the top of West Avenue (just around the corner from the old building) and our address is

63 West Avenue
Oldfield Park

We will only be in this building for a very short time (probably a week) and obviously have a bigger better place lined up for then, but for now, all Black Cat Calendar events are running as usual at the above address.

We have a massive list of activities every day, and are being used more and more by the local community, so come on down, or drop us an email if you want to start your own group or workshop.

For a full list of Black Cat calendar events, check out To get in touch, email


Black Cat Crew x

Friday, 5 February 2010

New boaters online resource

As some people may know, our boat dwelling brothers and sisters have been having a hard time of it lately, with British Waterways attempting to crush their way of life. Wanting to make the canals the sole domain of part time boaters and holidaymakers, BW are trying to push through various measures to get residents off the canals - BW hope to trial some of these schemes in the Bath area. A website has been set up to provide info and advice to the canal using community and can be found at - - a link can also be found on the 'co-conspirators' section of this site.

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

e-subvertising - all the cool kids are doing it!

Finally, a chance to maul those sickening Tory adverts that have been cropping up all over the place. Sure, we know Cameron is no different to Brown, or the rest of them, but his smug etonian mug is in dire need of some re-arranging, so here's your chance - just go to to make your own poster to spread all over the internet. Oh, and if you see one of these posters on the street, why not grab a can of spraypaint and let the world know what you think of the tories?

Monday, 1 February 2010

Bath Activist Calendar info

You may have noticed our sexy new calendar at the bottom of this page. Scroll up and down the calendar to see daytime and evening events events. There's already loads of demos, workshops, meetings, gigs and other events going on, and to add your own, drop us an email at

IMPORTANT EVENT INFO - All events at the Black cat Centre may not be listed at the right address due to the rapidly changing address of a squatted social centre! For up to date info about the location of the Black Cat, check out plus posts on this site.

Black Cat Centre - updates and gig info

After nearly a month of occupation, it looks like the Black Cat social centre will be moving into a new home next weekend. Despite not having been evicted for the Ex-West avenue church, we are voluntarily leaving to allow the church to sell the building and use the funds for valuable community projects. Don't worry though, the Black Cat will only be moving a few minutes away and will be up and running asap.
In the meantime, we are having a leaving party this Friday with DJs Bretrin and ItAL putting on another dub club. Heres the info

Church of Dub
110 West Avenue (ex-oldfield park mathodist vicarage)

7.30pm - till late

Entry - free/donation

There will be a cheap bar, but feel free to bring yer own.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Opening night at the New Black Cat Centre - Sat 16th - Come on down!

Following on from the huge sucess of the Black Cat Centre at Kelso Place, The Black cat has been re-opened, this time at the ex-Oldfield Park Methodist Church, West Avenue, Bath.
As with the last centre, we will be open for a huge number of events, meetings, workshops, cafes and will still feature the library, freeshop, etc
We are kicking off proceedings this Satrurday (16th) with a Dub night, running from 8 - 12 midnight. Entry is free or a small donation.

The centre will be open weekdays 2-7, weekends 11-5 and certain evenings for special events. Pop down to check out what is going on, or email the Black Cat at

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Climate Camp Westside Regional Gathering, 16th & 17th January 2010

The weekend of 16th and 17th January sees the Camp For Climate Action
come to Bath, as the Black Cat Social Centre in Oldfield Park hosts the
regional Westside gathering. The weekend will see climate activists from
across the South West converge upon Bath to draw together experiences of
the G20, Climate Camps this summer (Cymru, Scotland and London), the
Calais camp, ongoing No Borders activity, Co-Mutiny, the Ratcliffe swoop
and recent events in Copenhagen as a basis for 'where do we go from here?'

The weekend promises to be a great introduction to radical climate
action, as well as the opening of a brand new and much-needed autonomous
social space in Bath. Anyone who is looking to explore empowering routes
to climate justice is warmly encouraged to attend. Crash space will be
provided but bring a sleeping bag!


For more information please email or call
07796 864 649 (leave a message if no reply). The Black Cat Social Centre
can be found at the Oldfield Park Methodist Church, in the space between
West Avenue, Triangle North and Triangle West, postcode BA2 3QB. It is
about 20 seconds' walk from Oldfield Park Train Station which runs
direct trains to Bath Spa and Bristol Temple Meads.

Islam4UK and the Silence of the Left

In recent weeks a lot has been made in the media of the antics of the far-right Muslim group 'Islam4UK'. Islam4UK are a pro-Sharia group who advocate the turning of Britain into an oppressive Muslim state. They advocate capital punishment, flogging for public drunkenness, and a whole raft of other oppressive policies, and have as one of their many slogans: “Freedom go to hell”. The group has recently proposed a demonstration in Wootton Bassett (the town where British war dead are repatriated), ostensibly to commemorate Afghan and Iraqi casualties in the two ongoing military occupations, but in reality they are just using it as a chance to publicise their deplorable fascist views (whilst great care must be taken when bandying about this much-abused phrase, in terms of Islam4UK's strong authoritarian slant, advocacy for a strong police state, and excessive punishment for minor crimes and acts of dissent, we feel the term is justified).

While the reactionary forces of white nationalism have been quick to condemn the march and use it as a justification for their racist viewpoints, the radical left has been characteristically silent for fear of being labelled Islamophobic. It is with this silence in mind that we have decided to pen this open letter outlining why it is the duty of the radical left to oppose bigotry and injustice in all its forms, including Islam4UK and other far right Muslim groups.

It was last February that thousands of workers at the Lindsey oil refinery and dozens of other depots around the country engaged themselves in a series of direct actions and wildcat strikes in protection of their jobs, in the face of unemployment and Total Oil's cynical corporate practice (see article Despite framing their actions from a clearly non-racist and anti-capitalist perspective, the response from the radical left was at best lukewarm, with sections of the left being downright condemnatory, branding the strikers as 'racist'. The lack of a coherent support base from the political left and anarchists alike has left the strikers out in the cold, with only the British National Party as uncritical allies - allies whose support that the strikers vehemently and physically rejected.

This and the Islam4UK march are two examples of events that require a definitive and class-conscious response from a unified and radical left. Instead, we are allowing political naivety, liberal tendencies and the sensibilities of some of our more questionable 'allies' to prevent us from making a clear call and framing important events from a radical left wing perspective. Thus we allow the forces of the far right the chance to exploit the events to convey their hateful diatribe.

It will be a tragedy for us and for common sense if we allowed the events in Wootton Bassett to only fuel the excesses of right wing extremists and Muslim fanatics alike. This can't be allowed to be publicly viewed as the salt-of-the-earth white nationalists supporting the British people and poor soldiers, whilst the out-of-touch left unquestionably champions political correctness and excuses Islamic lunacy.

Both the BNP and Islam4UK represent a threat to the working class generally and pander to the efforts of the elite, who want to see us all divided along the lines of race, religion, gender and sexuality - as opposed to the only genuine divide in society, which is class. Surely we want to build a working class movement which is capable of, and willing to, overthrow discrimination and oppression in whatever guise it appears.

Since the opening of hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan, various groups have increasingly been using the parading of war casualties in Wootton Bassett as a propaganda tool. While some groups have been revelling in the body count to promote anti-western sentiment, others have been using corpses to stir up nationalist feeling and fly their flags. The truth is that dead soldiers are neither heroes nor monsters – they are simply men and women who have paid a harsh price for doing the dirty work of corrupt politicians and generals. Their repatriation is not a political event, and any attempt to make it so is being cold and manipulative. To this end, both BNP leader Nick Griffin and Islam4UK have been specifically made unwelcome by the residents of the town and rightly so, but, like circling vultures, both view the potential propaganda gains from dead bodies and grieving mothers as too significant to pass up.

Let's not beat around the bush; the radical left needs to wake up and treat these people like the fascists they are. Therefore, this call goes out to all ordinary people to join together regardless of their race, faith or lack thereof, and oppose authoritarianism, discrimination and oppression in all its forms, both in Wootton Bassett on the day of the march and in everyday life. The BNP and Islam4UK are two sides of the same hateful coin, and both their visions of an ideal future should be seen as an antithetical barrier to the free and socially just world for which we strive – a barrier that we must overcome.

In solidarity

From within (but not on behalf of) Bath Activist Network