Monday, 1 February 2010

Black Cat Centre - updates and gig info

After nearly a month of occupation, it looks like the Black Cat social centre will be moving into a new home next weekend. Despite not having been evicted for the Ex-West avenue church, we are voluntarily leaving to allow the church to sell the building and use the funds for valuable community projects. Don't worry though, the Black Cat will only be moving a few minutes away and will be up and running asap.
In the meantime, we are having a leaving party this Friday with DJs Bretrin and ItAL putting on another dub club. Heres the info

Church of Dub
110 West Avenue (ex-oldfield park mathodist vicarage)

7.30pm - till late

Entry - free/donation

There will be a cheap bar, but feel free to bring yer own.

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