Monday, 5 January 2009

BANners join in Palestine Solidarity actions

  As the Israeli war machine continues relentless bombardment of the Gaza strip, the world has risen up in solidarity with the Palestinian people. On Saturday, BAN members started the day supporting the Bath peace vigil which numbered around 25 people. The vigil takes place outside Bath Abbey from 11.30 to 12.30 every Saturday and highlights a number of anti-militarist issues, saturdays issue being Israels imperialist and genocidal assault on Gaza
   From there, we moved on to Bristol to join a lively 400 strong solidarity demonstration. At the same time as the Bristol Demo, activists smashed the windows of Boeings Bristol offices (Boeing supply planes and components to the Israeli military) and solidarity demos happened in hundreds of cities across the world, with at least 20 in the UK. The London demo attracted 75,000 activists and concluded with a spontaneous march on the Israeli embassy and a mini-riot after the cops launched an unprovoked attack on a peaceful section of the march, seriously injuring many activists, including kids. 
   A further demo in London is being planned for next Saturday - for info on tickets and travel, or to get involved in anti-militarist activism in Bath contact 

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