Thursday, 17 December 2009

Black Cat Centre evicted and reoccupied! Come on down!

Yesterday saw the much loved Black Cat Occupied social centre evicted, with a 17 strong solidarity demo outside. Despite the eviction being a sucess, new squatting activists have moved in -

Following the eviction of the Black cat Centre yesterday, the building has been re-squatted. Local activists and residents, acting in solidarity with the recentley evicted Black Cat squatters last night squatted the building again, and intend to continue operating it as The Black Cat Socail Centre. Speaking to Bath Activist Network last night, one of the new squatters, a resident of Oldfield Park, said 'The work that the original Black cat squatters put into the social centre was so insiring, and such a benefit to the community that we felt that we had to act, and re-open the social centre to the community for as long as possible'.
This latest development means that owners Cabot will have to re-instigate court proceedings to evict the new squatters. The occupiers last night said that, as with the last occupiers, they were keen to enter into a rent paying agreement with Cabot in order to keep the space in community use for as long as possible.

The new squatters intend to have the Black Cat, with all of its previous uses and events running by Friday morning.

For more information, or for an interview with the new squatters, call 07794774938