Monday, 6 July 2009

Resistance to Bathampton park and ride grows!

  Last weekend saw a large group of BAN folk and assorted direct action enthusiasts take a trip to the beautiful Bathampton meadows to plan direct action to resist council plans to concrete the area. The meadows may soon be concreted over to make way for a 1400 park and ride car-park, part of the ludicrous new transport package proposed by BANES. Even by BANES own admission, the park and ride would have only a 'minimal' effect on easing congestion, and plenty more evidence sugests it would have even less. The majority of Bath workers come to town from Tewrton and the other outlying areas of Bath, so improved bus transport, or even a tram system would make far more sense - but with £50 million to burn, BANES are bulldozing ahead with their stupid plans. The meadows are home to a large bat population, a rabbit population, large numbers of herons and cormorants and provides a hunting ground for buzzads as well as being a designated AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty). A recent meeting to discuss opposition to the scheme was packed out, with over 250 attending - many pledging to continue the fight to the end. The meadows have many features with make them easy to defend against the bulldozers, and BAN activists are busy plotting up ways to fight tooth and nail for every inch of the meadows (to get involved, email If BANES go ahead with their ecocidal plans, local residents and activists are set to give them a major headache - but in the mean time, find out how to object to the plans, get involved in the campaign or recieve posters and leaflets by checking out 

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